Dear Deirdre,
I just wanted to thank you again for the lovely stay in Lisbon! I’m now on my way back to Lausanne, the train makes a 10 min break in Barcelona central station to charge its battery. I’m in a ladies-only wagon. It’s so nice to feel safe and sleep in peace.
On my way to visit you I was sitting in the LBTQA+ friendly wagon, which was quite fun, they had a super nice conference and talks going on. The exhibition which was displayed in between the wagons of the train was about Kusama, you would have loved it. The art collection was donated by the national museum of japan.
I’m quite hungry so I might go have a look at the Italian food wagon later... I don’t wanna stay too long though, I saw the roller disco wagon was just behind, I might be tempted (haha).
Take care x
For the future of tourism I hope that… people would have a smaller impact on the planet – historical cities (like Venice) would be super exclusive and protected – people would have to bring something in exchange if they travel to a poorer country – local tourism would be more accessible for locals.
If I could wish for anything at all, I would… wish I could travel the world by train only. And that my employer or my country would offer me extra days off for the travel, because it would take more days to travel by train.
If I were a powerful politician, I would… make the world accessible by train. A huge night train business that makes it accessible for everyone.
This image of the future was anonymously submitted by someone describing themselves as:
"I’m a 33 years old cis women, questioning myself about my sexual identity, working in the design field, living partly in Lausanne partly in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Concert addict, pro second hand treasure hunter, Lindy hop dancer on Sundays, lacto fermentation explorer... trying to make a future career path in Speculative Design."
Originally submitted in English.