Archive of desirable futures

Changing the system

Your associations with "ageing"?

Tell us more about your future of ageing. What's it like?
Imagine you are 72, 80 or even 99 years old: How and with whom do you live together?
In a self-organized house project, where comrades and friends look after each other but respect their privacy
Who are the most important people in your life and how do you spend time with them?
Friends and comrades, maybe our children
What is your sex and love life like in the future?
A partnership with deep emotional connection, that can be adjusted to our needs as we change over time
Thinking into the future: How do you manage to stay mentally and physically fit?
Physically: A regular practise of yoga on my own, shared workouts, long walks and hiking with friends and comrades. Mentally: Reading magazines, newspapers, books and discussing politics.
How do you afford everyday life in the future?
I can afford everything I need with my pension
Thinking of your future older self: What do you get up for in the morning?
Changing the system

You're looking back at your fulfilled life and a much younger friend of yours asks about your secret of happiness and fullfillment. What do you tell them? What would you recommend to them?
Get organized! Never give up the fight, but take some time for yourself and allow yourself to rest.

This image of the future was anonymously submitted by someone describing themselves as:
31, white, female, communist, grown up in the countryside, living in Berlin
Originally submitted in English.