Futures Probes of Ageing

Exploring desirable futures of life’s last stage

Futures Probes of Ageing

Exploring desirable futures

Ageing population, an indisputable trend. Accompanied by many negative connotations: We don’t want to feel and look old. We worry about our retirement. We’re scared about decreased mobility, fewer social networks, and about our general health.

But, should we be afraid of getting old?
Can we influence how we feel while we age? And most importantly, do we know how we want to shape our own future ageing experience?
The participants
We set out to find different desirable futures of ageing via a questionnaire and collected many “letters from your old self to a younger friend" describing what a desirable tomorrow might look like.
The output
More than 55 “letters from your older self to a younger friend” –each one written by a participant and illustrated by us– plus a self-edited (maga)zine summarising the project.
Look at the whole zine here!
The futures
The futures we collected in English

The futures we collected in German

The futures we collected in Spanish
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