Futures Probes of Tourism

Exploring desirable futures of a problematic issue

Futures Probes of Tourism

Exploring desirable futures

Tourism can mean many things:
Palms, beaches and mojitos in the sun.
Selfie-stick-equipped visitors lining up. Economic growth, social transformation and the conquest of individual freedoms. Gentrification, a 40% increase of marine plastic litter during peak season in the Mediterranean,

Can we reimagine tourism? What might desirable futures of tourism that are inclusive, fair and sustainable look like?
The participants
We set out to find different desirable futures of tourism via a questionnaire and collected many “postcards from the future" describing what a desirable tomorrow might look like.
The output
More than 35 “postcards from the future” –each one written by a participant and illustrated by us– plus a self-edited (maga)zine summarising the project.
Look at the whole zine here!
The futures
The futures we collected in English

The futures we collected in German

The futures we collected in Spanish
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